
A lesson (story) from Mrs. Megan McKnight 2nd grade Teacher at Leading Creek Elementary:

I was especially proud of our second- grade class during our recent math unit because it was "student driven."

What started out as a normal math lesson spiraled into inside and outside recess activities, class discussions and additional math WIN lessons during the afternoon.

We recently wrapped up, surveys, picture graphs, and bar graphs. Personally, I enjoy hands on learning opportunities, and I quickly realized that our lessons and concepts seem to "click" with the students when they are able to enjoy the lesson or to find a way to relate the experience to something in everyday life.

After completing and learning various graphs and how to collect data; our class voted on a topic to create a school wide survey. The 2nd grade students decided to create a bar graph after surveying kindergarten through sixth grade. The question was; "What is your favorite subject in school? Reading, Science, or Math?”

I divided the class into small groups, and they went into the various classrooms to collect data and came back to our own classroom to report their findings.

Together, we created a bar graph with all important components, such as a key, title, and data.

We had a class discussion about this, and we came to the conclusion that it would be a nice gesture to provide a science experiment to our school wide body because that was the most popular choice!

My husband, Luke McKnight, and myself purchased white carnations for every classroom, (including preschool, and the office) and provided a small lesson plan that included filling out a "hypothesis" on -what would happen if we added food coloring?

The most rewarding part has been the conversations that I hear in the hallway. I heard older children speaking to younger children about how "diluting" the water could have an impact. I heard younger children, asking if the stem length would change the outcome.

I had all ages asking how much water would change the outcome. So many questions and so much logical thinking has been occurring, and I absolutely love it!

We posted our bar graph in the hallway for everyone to see. I generally arrive to the school around 7:15 AM and when students get off the bus or find an opportunity, they ask to observe the flowers and peak into each classroom.

A few pictures are attached from the beginning of the project.

It's truly a blast learning and teaching with our students and staff at LCES!