Robert L. Bland Middle School
From Mrs. Turner
What a successful 3 days we have had in PE class so far with our archery program!! The students were taught Monday on the procedures for how the range would work and began shooting yesterday. Can I just say how impressed we are with how well the students are doing!! We have students who have never shot a bow before doing an amazing job!! The students are really enjoying themselves! We even had a couple of bullseyes!! Mr. Randolph and Mrs. Turner have both been trained through NASP and student teacher Mr. Riley, has been a huge help!!

Jane Lew Elementary School participates in Red Ribbon Week.
Follow Your Dreams- Don’t Do Drugs!

Starts Tomorrow!
October 27th and 28th

Lewis County Food Pantry- Food Drive for the Holidays- Collecting items through November 12th.
See the Lewis County Family Resource Network FB page or lewisboe.com for more information.

Great things can happen from small ideas!
We had a field trip to LCHS for all of Lewis County elementary students to watch the LCHS Marching Minutemen perform. Here is a big shout out to all those who made this possible.
Thanks, Andrea Heath, for your passion to pursue your vision. It was such a needed boost for morale throughout the county for students and staff alike.
A huge thanks to Allen Heath, his staff, and all band members for their outstanding halftime performance and for taking their time to introduce and explain the different instruments in turn inspiring the future band members of LCHS.
Thanks to all the teachers and aides who organized and cared for their individual groups of children.
Thanks to all the staff who stayed behind the scenes (cooks, custodians, office staff and teachers) that didn’t get to attend this event but made sure meals and facilities were ready for the students when they returned.
Very special thanks to all the bus drivers who graciously changed or rearranged their plans on short notice to make sure we could get the wheels turning to safely transport over 1,000 passengers to and from this event.
A special thanks also to John Whiston and Brian Fisher. It amazed me to see how they prepared the stadium, treated these elementary students as if they were a Friday night football crowd, and listened to how they proudly and passionately addressed all who were in attendance.
Also, a shout out to the two guardian angels (Mike Cayton & Charlie Kirkpatrick) standing above the crowd keeping a watchful eye over us all.
Last but not least, a special thanks to Dr. Lewis for not just approving this but trusting each one of us to do our part in pulling it off.
We are all just one piece of a huge puzzle, but when we are all joined together we make a beautiful picture.
Gerry Paugh

National Red Ribbon Week

Lewis County High School
Historical Pumpkin Projects were presented in Mrs. Gump’s class today.

Lewis County High School
Mrs. Gump’s civics classes brought in items for care packages to be sent to our soldiers overseas. Each box contains personal care items, puzzle books as well as drink mixes and snacks. Each box also contains a “thank you” card from the students expressing their gratitude to our men and women for their service. This project was completed after learning about good citizenship and giving to others. The boxes are being shipped to Kuwait, where our own Dr. Snuffer is currently stationed. They hope that the boxes will give the soldiers a sense of home.

The Lewis County Special Education Department wearing their "You're Special" shirts in support of breast cancer awareness month.

Lewis County High School Boys Cross Country Team Heads to States Next Week!
Pictures include the results at Regionals today and the boys and girls cross country teams. Also members competing with the boys team at states include Colton Defosse, Mitchell Norman, David Harifield, and Sawyer Swiger. Congratulations!

Lewis County High School
From Mrs. Lough
Students in the Careers in Education program created individual quotes on education and then collaborated to create classroom quotes to inspire motivation for learning.
Students: Are you interested in becoming a teacher or finding out what Careers in Education has to offer? Come see Mrs. Lough in room 2011 or send an e-mail to sblough@k12.wv.us

Governor's Vaccination Incentive- $150 Gift Card! Supporting Healthy Grand Families. See attached flyer!

Roanoke Elementary School
From Ms. Arnold
“We Are One Against Bullying” Blue day! #BeABuddyNotABully

Jane Lew Elementary School
The Great Pumpkin delivered a pumpkin to every student at Jane Lew. The students are decorating them during Art class, and are displaying them throughout the school.

Robert L. Bland Middle School
From Mrs. Barnette
Last week our 7th Grade Social Studies students studied and practiced Cuneiform, the first written language system in World History.

Roanoke Elementary School
Team up against bullying! #BeBuddyNotABully

Jane Lew Elementary School
Parent Involvement Activity- Reading With Your Child. Three different sessions were conducted with PreK-K, 1st-2nd, and 3rd-4th. Each student received a book, read with their parent and completed an activity.

Lewis County High School
Math Support
Students in Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II may utilize the Live Tutor under assignments from 4 pm to midnight for specific exercises. They will have access to the live tutor after visiting at least one of the remediation links.
The students in Math 4 may access the Help Section anytime in their program, and it will do guided problems with the students step by step. It will show exactly how the problem should be entered.

Deloris Hess manager of Cato’s and representative of the Cato Cooperation presents a $100 check to Lewis County Schools and the CIS Program. Mona Vinson accepts the check on behalf of the Communities In Schools Program.