All schools in Lewis County will be operating on a 2-hour delay, Tuesday January 31st.

Good morning bus 32-18 will be running approximately 15 to 20 minutes late this morning Thursday January 19 2023

Calendar Update: January 25th is now a planned NTID day (students will not report), and February 24th is a planned 2-hour early dismissal for students. Visit the Lewis County Schools website or the Lewis County Schools Facebook page to review the updated school calendar.

It is with regret that Lewis County Schools announces that due to changes in government reimbursement and COVID funding we will be unable to mail meal boxes home over the holidays.
For families in need, please contact your child's school to request information on backpack buddies or contact the Family Resource Network at 304-269-4000 for assistance with meals. For further information, you may also contact Lewis County Schools Child Nutrition department at 304-269-8300.

Holiday Meal Boxes are available for students to arrive the first week of Christmas Break. If you received meals over the summer, the meals would come automatically. If you have a change of address, would like to be added to the list, or be removed, please call the Child Nutrition Office at the LCBOE, 304-269-8300. Janie Hawkins or Cynthia Nesselroade can make changes or additions until December 16th. Each box will contain 7 breakfasts and 7 Lunches. We are grateful to be able to send our students meals over an extended break.

Good morning, bus 2-16 will be running approximately 45 minutes late this morning Tuesday November 1, 2022

Good morning, Bus 47-19 in the Walkersville area will be running 20 to 30 minutes late this morning October 13th 2022

Following the county guidelines from last year. Students are not permitted to ride a bus home with another student on a bus they are not assigned to. Thank you for your understanding of this issue.
Transportation Dept.

RLBMS Football FYI: Patriot Football practice will start on Aug. 8th from 4pm to 5:30. If you missed summer practice and want to come out, players must have a physical and have at least a 2.0 sports GPA.
If you have not signed up already and are interested, feel free to report with a parent or guardian on Monday, August 8th at 3:45pm to sign up.

Dr. Lewis had an opportunity to meet the head coach of the WVU Football team, Neal Brown!

Meet Jasper!
First Lady Cathy Justice today visited Lewis County High School for a “Pup Rally” to celebrate the arrival of the state’s newest therapy dog through the Friends With Paws program. LCHS is the first high school in the state to receive a therapy dog.

Good morning, The trip from PCES to the Lewis County Park has been cancelled for today Thursday, June 2nd 2022, we will be bidding it out at 8:30 a m for tomorrow morning Friday June 3rd 2022 leaving at 9:00 and returning at 12:00

June 3rd is the last day for students. Schools will be dismissing 2 hours early to allow for faculty senate meetings.

Lewis County Schools will be closed Monday, May 30th, to observe Memorial Day.

Good Morning! Due to the lack of substitute bus drivers bus 49 19 will not be running today, Friday May 27, 2022. You do have the option of transporting your students to and from school. If this is not possible, please send a note with your student when they return to school so that it can be marked as an excused absence.

Good Morning! Due to the lack of substitute bus drivers bus 2 16 will not be running today, May 26, 2022. You do have the option of transporting your students to and from school. If this is not possible, please send a note with your student when they return to school so that it can be marked as an excused absence.

Good Morning, Due to the lack of substitute bus drivers bus 24 21 and 2 16 will not be running today May 26, 2022. You do have the option of transporting your students to and from school. If this is not possible, please send a note with your student when they return to school so that it can be marked as an excused absence.

Good Evening! Due to the lack of substitute bus drivers bus 2 16 will not be running tomorrow May 26, 2022. You do have the option of transporting your students to and from school. If this is not possible, please send a note with your student when they return to school so that it can be marked as an excused absence.

Good morning, due to a tree in the road on Abrams Run Road, bus 38 14 will be running approximately 1 hour late today Tuesday May 24 2022

SAVE THE DATE – The Get Moving! Day of Play is returning to Morgantown on July 16, 2022! Join current West Virginia University athletes and other special guests for a morning activity camp held at the WVU Football Facilities. Registration is FREE and open to children ages 4 to 12. We hope to see your students there! Stay tuned to our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/getmovingwv/) - there are more exciting event details coming soon… #getmovingwv #dayofplay2022